Paris Disney

Paris Disney consists of two parks: Disneyland Parc and Walt Disney Studios. Yesterday we purchased combined tickets for both and spent a little over 12 hours visiting them. 


As with the other Disney parks I have visited (7 in total now) these are places where it’s virtually impossible not to have fun. Aside from the rides themselves, the landscaping and design of the parks is almost enough to keep you entertained. 


We ride virtually every available ride – some twice – in both parks, but skipped the shows. It would be impossible to do and see everything in a single day. 


Highlights included Tower of Terror (more or less identical to the Florida one), ‘Le Phantom Manor’ (ie. the Haunted Mansion, which was a bit different compared to Florida and Tokyo) and Pirates Of The Carribean (again, slightly different). 

Oh and this guys iron-on shirt was a highlight as well: 


Their version of Tomorrowland (called Adventureland) was amazingly designed with a strong Jules Verne motif as shown in the photo above, but almost all of it was closed. I suppose they are renovating. This was a shame since this park has the new Space Mountain that I was looking forward to ride. We did the no-line-at-all old version of Star Tours instead: 


As we were leaving we walked past the castle and into a cavern underneath that housed an enormous and wonderful animatronic dragon. His head moved about and growled and snarled and he kept taking his claw on the ground. It was extremely well done and a highlight of the park for me. 


At the end of the day we were completely exhausted but we’d all had a load of fun. These parks are just as good as the ones in Florida and Tokyo and easily worth a visit if you’re ever in this part of the world. 


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