
I woke at 2 am this morning. Perhaps not a good sign with regards to jetlag! I couldn’t sleep though, so lazed around until the (superb!) breakfast buffet at 6:30.

Dad was arriving at midday, so KLS, BS and I headed to the Frankfurt zoo while JBF hopped onto a train for a day trip to a nearby city on The Rhine. 

Frankfurt Zoo is quite good for such an old zoo in the middle of a major city. While some of the large animal enclosures (such as for the hippo) are sad relics of a bygone era, others – including the excellent nocturnal house and aquarium – are worth the admission fee alone.

In particular we loved the following exhibits: 

The first are garden eels – tiny and beautiful eels that hide in the substrate and just poke their upper halves out to feed. The other is of course the cuttlefish. Both animals were displayed wonderfully in big crystal clean tanks that really gave us a good look!

After the zoo we headed back to meet dad via the river. 

Yes they seem to have picked up the ‘padlock on the bridge’ habit here too!

In the late afternoon we cruised that river for an hour and a half, seeing Frankfurt (at least the river front) for several miles in each direction. Many drinks were drunk and many laughs had! 

Conveniently the boat left from a dock right at the same fair we visited yesterday! Once again we enjoyed the many dining options 🙂 

Another find day that seemed to whizz by very quickly. Tomorrow we’re leaving Frankfurt for our next destination, but I have to say I’ve found this city quite charming and a good introduction to Germany overall.

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