A couple of days ago we went to Bondi Beach… along with what seemed like half of Sydney. It was quite spectacular.
Although the crowd was impressive, it didn’t feel crowded at the water’s edge, and the lazy walk from the very northern end to the very southern end (and back again) was a memorable experience. The sun was relentless and hot, but the water was refeshingly cool.
< Montage As we were leaving we noticed a young lady posing for photos on the boardwalk with her friend. We were both struck by how well she posed and the confidence with which she held herself. Although she didn't have the conventional look of a professional model, her actions suggested otherwise. I'll be honest and say she charmed me a little (note to KLS: think Oahu sushi girl and sensei-chan)! I handed my camera to Adam and he snapped a quick shot out the window as the bus sped away... < Model Girl
I like the montage. Well done!