Death Valley

Yesterday we drove from Vegas to Furnace Creek in Death Valley, California. It was blisteringly hot.

That’s the lowest point in North America. We walked out onto the salt plain you can see behind me.

The heat was like something from another world. It was about 110F/45C but the ground was salt so it reflected up and seemed to be coming from everywhere. B and L came within seconds of death before retreating to the air conditioned vehicle 🙂

We then drove up to Dante’s Peak, a mountain that overlooks the basin from a height of about 2km.

That’s my ‘Attenborough’ pose!

It was majestic up on the mountain – not to mention much cooler than below. To commemorate the moment, a selfie:

Finally, before bed, we took advantage of the darkness of the park to see more stars than you can from almost anywhere else in the USA 🙂

Needless to say, I recommend Death Valley.

Today: a long drive to a beach…

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