Cracker Nights

This past weekend we had four nights of fireworks. It was fantastic 🙂


We had an irresponsibly large amount of crackers – the above shot was Saturday nights haul only – running the gamut from tiny little things (‘crazy jacks’) to massive fountains that ran for over 3 minutes. We had also driven to Pennsylvania to buy some launchers, which are not legal in NY state.


It took hours to set them all off – over four nights – and we still have more left! Others were doing the same, and the noises of booms and crackles were heard around. Even so we may have upset the neighbour slightly, since we thought they yelled at us after we set off a particularly loud and bombastic launcher!


By the third day I was up to my usual tricks, slightly ‘modifying’ the fireworks for dramatic effect. Here’s 15 little guys I taped into 5 groups of 3 and lit simultaneously for a large group explosion:


A lovely photo of the ‘Coral Reef’ in action, which we all agreed was the most magnificent fountain (and which cost $50!):


Here’s a video of one of the more boistrous fountains going off. I’ll admit i was a bit scared during this tumult, since I didn’t know what it would do (true for all the fireworks; the descriptions on the packaging are vague enough to be useless) and found myself standing perhaps a little too close:

And lastly, a video I made on my phone editing together highlights from many of the different types we lit:

As you can tell, much fun was had by all 🙂

One Response to “Cracker Nights”

  1. jf says:

    What a great time we had!! Your photos and videos are really good. I’ll be watching them many times.