Yesterday we visited a potato chip festival held in Saratoga, the home of the potato chip as a snack food.

We weren’t quite sure what to expect (it was the ‘first annual’) as we each paid our $4 entry charge.

What we found was a big room full of chip companies handing out free product! There were no restrictions and organizers handed attendees as many carry bags (to hold samples) as they wanted. It was chip madness!

KLS won a shirt and we looked at a historical display, but this was very much about the generous free samples. There were smaller companies as well, sampling their wares (which included jerky).

Although we literally left with as much as we could carry, it wasn’t until we got home and emptied out the bags that we realized how much we had got…

Almost everyone had multiple bags of samples and we saw some with many more than us! In retrospect it was all a bit greedy and shameful and we were clearly overcome by the abundance of items available.

Suffice to say we won’t be buying chips for months!

2 Responses to “C.H.I.P.S”

  1. alma says:

    I can’t believe the amount of chips in one place. It would be a great idea to have something similar here. You and Kristin will have chips for b’fast lunch and dinner for the next few months. ?

  2. jf says:

    I’m amazed at the size of some of those bags!! And we’re looking forward to sharing 😉