The Stamp Collector (Part Three)

A short update in this series today, focusing on a tiny subset of my stamp collection: dinosaurs!

I bought the above a few years ago because I liked the stamps. You do too, since everyone loves dinosaurs. They turn up on stamps a lot, and going forward if I ever see a dinosaur stamp I’m buying it. For now though, my collection is scant…

The above is interesting. I purchased it from the National Stamp Museum in Washington DC. I remember it well: I walked there from our hotel by myself and wandered – unknowningly – through a ‘rough’ part of town. On a street corner as I was waiting to cross I witnessed on the other side of the street a man older than me brandish a gun at another and threaten to kill him. Both participants in this disagreement were hastily separated and calmed down by a large group of other people as I shuffled away at great speed. It was a surreal experience, not easily forgotten.

The stamp museum was exceptional though, and they had loads of covers like the one above for a song. I bought this one mostly because of the dinosaur, but looking at it now I’m intrigued by the three cancellations and the fact the one on the stamp uses roman numerals (II) for the month.

Bernard got me the above in Hong Kong and it’s another lovely example of dinosaurs. Looking online I see many more (including some fantastic diamond-shaped stamps from North Korea of all places), and they’re almost all good.

I’ll end by mentioning a bookmark I gave to Adam many years ago that was made from a strip of dinosaur stamps. I really liked that bookmark, and after gifting it tried in vain to find another. Alas I never did. If you ever see a dinosaur stamp bookmark – or actual dinosaur stamps – keep me in mind 🙂

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