
The other day I bought one of the new model Playstation Portables (PSP), the ‘Piano Black’ version.

Very little has changed, as you can see from these comparison shots (courtesy Famitsu), in which the new model is at the top:

psp2.jpg psp1.jpg psp3.jpg

The new model, which everyone now calls the PSP Slim, is a little bit thinner, and more than a little lighter. While the changes look (and are) subtle, the end result is a unit that is more comfortable to hold and play, especially for long periods. Furthermore, the PSP Slim has more onboard memory and the OS now has built in UMD-caching which means load times are reduced, in some cases significantly. The screen seems a little better as well. I did comparison between my two PSPs and the shadowing on the new screen seems less noticeable.

I also have zero dead/stuck pixels on my new screen, which is 2 or 3 less than my old PSP 🙂

My conclusions? Well, if you have an old PSP (and I think only one person reading this does) then this is only worth the upgrade if you play it a great deal. Furthermore, the battery life of this unit is actually less than the old model due to a smaller battery (which can be expanded with an additional purchase). The addition of TV out capabilities is meaningless to me, so I’m not factoring that in.

If you don’t even have a PSP, does this new model warrant buying one? In a word, “No”. The PSP is still an answer in search of a question. Sony continues to muddle the marketing (games are listed fourth on the box) and the fact that they have not yet abandoned the foolish proprietary UMD disc format is a sign they don’t seem serious about the future of the system.

Great games do exist (for instance, Monster Hunter 2 and Jeanne D’Arc both came out in the last month), and many others are on the way. So it’s not as simple to dismiss the PSP as bereft of good games. But at the same time we only has so much free time, and handheld gaming time is much better spent these days with the vastly superior DS Lite.

(Unless your a total game maniac like myself, who now owns not one but two PSPs…)

One Response to “PSP-2001PB”

  1. Bernard says:

    What are you doing with your old PSP?