Perentie Controls

Seconds (joke!) after returning to America I renewed my World Of Warcraft account. There’s still a lot to do in the game for me, and I still enjoy playing. Doubly so since I’m in a FF (Friends & Family) guild now, and helping others level their characters.

JBF is almost 70 on his Paladin. We’re at the point where we can 2-man the level 60 dungeons with ease:

WoWScrnShot_012708_101654.jpg WoWScrnShot_012508_164530.jpg

I also stuck my head into The Temple Of Ahn’Quiraj the other day so I could die to the first boss 🙂

WoWScrnShot_012208_165130.jpg < Skeram Anyway, since this game is so fiendishly addictive, for the first time I enabled 'Parental Controls'. I have now prevented myself from being able to play the game except for Friday afternoons and weekends. Removing such restrictions requires a password that is entrusted to KLS. Apparently my trust of my own ability to resist the urge for the occasional Tuesday afternoon WoW binge is not high enough... In short, I have taken the first step toward treating an addiction: recognizing that the addiction exists. And if you're wondering, this is a Perentie: Dsc00205.jpg

One Response to “Perentie Controls”

  1. Florence says:

    mmk… i dunno what i find funnier:

    1.) the snowflakes flurrying around momo making her look like a fairy.

    2.) nil prophesizing your imminent death

    or (and this one is the obvious, OBVIOUS winner)

    3.) the fact that you have Archmage Vargoth’s Staff hotkeyed to your interface

    …o hey, there’s a quest guy over here.
