Journey’s End

(If you have not watched the season four Doctor Who finale, there are spoilers in this entry.)

One of the best things about new Who is how creative the series continues to be. Testament to the skill of the writing and acting, even a downright preposterous series of ideas – such as those contained in the season four ender Journey’s End – are entirely acceptable to the viewer simply because the show is so damn good.

I mean flying the Earth home? Or the transformation of Donna Noble? The way the entire Rose arc was ended? In lesser hands, such things would have been reasons to scoff at the show.

The true beauty of this episode though, was twofold. Firstly, I loved the way the (real) Doctor had oh-so-clearly moved on from Rose: “Does it have to be spoken?”

Secondly, the way that Donna’s story was wrapped up, although not a death, was in many ways worse. Here was a woman that had been given so much, only then to have it all taken away.

As a diehard, lifelong fan, two other aspects of this episode were marvelous in so many ways. Firstly, every iota of me wanted Davros to accept that invitation and enter the TARDIS. Secondly, this scene (and BS, you better watch that and realise just what you’re missing not watching new Who) is 24 seconds of why this show never ceases to amaze.

And so Russel T Davies wraps his tenure on the show up nicely, with a bit of a reset as well. One can only imagine to what heights Steven Moffat will bring the series in 2010.

One Response to “Journey’s End”

  1. Bernard says:

    Oh man, I haven’t even watched season two yet…