When Warcraft Meets Math Nerd

So I /combatlogged the King Gordok fight just now…

log.jpg < Read at your own risk!

…to explain, JBF and I are playing WoW again, and this morning did the west and north sides of Dire Maul. The run was fun since my memory was hazy of west and almost nonexistent of north, so it was a bit like unexplored territory. Furthermore Foosrazzle (JBF’s character) recently respecced to Retribution, which means he does much more dps, so things die faster 🙂

Anyway I used the command /combatlog to dump the entire log of the final battle against King Gordok. After we finished I (hastily) loaded it up in Excel and did a bit of analysis:

Total time in combat: 14 seconds
Total damage dealt: 5683
Damage Per Second (dps): 406
Largest single attack: 1218 (critical melee swing)

Total time in combat: 12 seconds
Total damage dealt: 25123 (includes 4305 water elemental damage)
Damage Per Second (dps): 2094
Largest single attack: 4025 (frostbolt crit)

So, were I the sort inclined to enjoy analyzing such things, I may make a few conclusions from these results. Firstly, Foosrazzle never once used Crusader Strike. This means he missed the chance to twice (it’s on a 6 second cooldown) deal an additional ~600 damage to the King, raising his effective dps by about 20%. Furthermore, had he used crusader strike immediately, he may have gotten it off *three* times (at 0 seconds, 6 seconds and 12 seconds) raising his dps by over 30%!

Even better, if this had happened then it would have almost certainly meant the 3800 damage killing blow delivered by Momomo – which actually overkilled King Gordok by some 2800 hp, would never have occured. This means Momo’s effective dps may have lowered by as much as 4%. Or, to put it in perspective, Foos’s percentage of total dps would have risen by about 1.3%

The message is clear: Foos, use Crusader Strike!

Seriously though, doing this was kind of addicting and I’m sure I’ll be /combatlogging again in the future. If only to plan how the two of us will tackle such things as duo Onyxia, ZG and possibly some early MC bosses!

And Foos – just keep playing however you like 🙂

2 Responses to “When Warcraft Meets Math Nerd”

  1. Florence says:

    Stefka’s advice for Foos: gem for hit cap, spec into 3/3 precision… c’mon Foos you can out dps that nooby frost mage… go go ret pally!

    Stefka’s advice for Momo: stop being such a nub, k?

  2. Florence says:

    der, also buddy factor in GCD ~ 1 second + latency; probably no chance of squeezing another Crusader Strike in there, don’t you think? Unless Crusader Strike isn’t on the GCD…. but I find that unlikely if it’s melee…

    hindsight is 20/20 when you’re theorycrafting >.>