Warcraft No More

Today my World Of Warcraft account expires.

I quit for many reasons, primary amongst them that I played too much and the game is a distraction I don’t need going in to what promises to be my busiest teaching semester yet (I am teaching two different courses). Plus, I have to somehow write a PhD thesis during this semester as well.

Secondly, I’ve been playing for 4.5 years. The game is still good; is still fun – in fact WoW is perhaps better now than ever. But over the last couple of months and particularly weeks it was beginning to feel more an obligation than entertainment. Having played hundreds (thousands more likely) of games to completion it’s typically obvious when it is time to put a game down and start another. Warcraft has no end, and will continue to evolve until the servers shut down in 201x. So one has to make their own end to the game, and it’s possible that now I have done just that.


Of course an expansion will be announced mere days from now, which promises to reveal a wealth of new content to get excited about. My hope is to resist the allure. Time will tell.

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