This One’s For Dad

The DSi XL was released yesterday and KLS got one.


That’s the XL to the right in the above picture. As you can see the screen is much bigger (93% larger apparently) which makes for much easier reading and seeing – especially for old eyes.

The unit is comfortable to hold despite (or maybe because) of it’s larger size, and the new pen-sized stylus that comes with it is particularly great. In short – this is a no brainer purchase if you find the current DS screen difficult to see or if you just want to hold a more comfortable handheld.

I like it so much I’d certainly buy one myself, if it wasn’t for the just announced 3DS due sometime in the next 12 months.

Anyway, as hinted in the title, the main purpose of this review is to let my dad know he has to rush out and buy one of these guys the day they hit Australian stores on April 15 🙂

One Response to “This One’s For Dad”

  1. alma says:

    Thanks for the info. That sounds great.
    I’ll be keenly waiting for 15 April.