Big Wheel 2010

Ok, ok Google Maps is old and we all know how cool it is but the iPad has given it a whole new lease on life! There’s just something extra-cool about manipulating the screen using your fingers, especially with regards to cruising around in streetview.

We’ve been checking out the places we’ll be visiting during our upcoming trip to England. Here’s a shot of our bed and breakfast in Blackpool (click to enlarge):


Yup, it’s that little red dot in the lower left. We booked it based on cost (cheap!) and reviews (great!) but, for me, the extra bonus is what happens to be located next door! You can bet I’ll be spending that Saturday night riding those rollercoasters.

Strangely (and please prove me wrong if you can), I can’t spot a Ferris Wheel in the park. As usual, I will be riding every Ferris Wheel I see in England. This may sound like a strange statement – after all is there likely to be many? The answer is yes! I have spotted likely targets in York (adjacent to the rail museum actually), Brighton and Blackpool (both on piers) and of course London (the London Eye).

My strange fascination with Ferris Wheels will, it seems, continue 🙂

I leave you with another google earth image (well, iPad ‘Maps’ App to be exact). In the comment, I welcome guesses as to where this may be:


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