Blast From The Past

Back to 2001, Easter Sunday to be precise. Together with two factions of the Friedland clan, we were launching model rockets in a Fairport park.

Rocket Science 13 Rocketry 24

The rockets are bought unassembled, so we’d put them together and painted them prior to the day. As you can see we had a box full of engines and wadding and fuses (for the launch circuit) all sorts of bits and pieces to get them going. The launch pad is also a separate purchase.

Blastoff 01

That’s a lucky shot above. The rockets take off very quickly and – depending on the size and engine used – can go high enough they are difficult to see. Then, assuming everything goes according to plan, they deploy a parachute and float gently to earth ready to be reused.

Rocketry 17

(There’s so much fail in that picture…)

If it is windy, the rocket can travel a surprising distance before reaching the ground. My photos from this day show we had 4 rockets in total, and I recall we lost two of them because they’d blown far away behind some trees.

Here’s some video of two of our launches:

To that, I can only say “Oh man!” 🙂

Bonus shot of young Jordan (I hope she’s reading this!) right now:

In The Park 05

Not three meters from where I’m sitting is an unassembled rocket and some engines. All I’d need is a launch pad…

One Response to “Blast From The Past”

  1. jf says:

    We definitely must have another launch day! Seeing these pictures and the video reminded me how much fun it was.