Game Stuff

This weekend I’m playing in the pre-release tournament for the new MTG expansion Scars Of Mirrodin. It’s on Saturday, and should hopefully be as much fun as the last one I played in. Or perhaps even more so, since I like artifact decks and Mirrodin promises a scad of them.

Here are a couple of cards from the set:


The one on the left is the promo we’ll get for competing in the pre-release. The one on the right is everything I love about Magic. I hope I get one of them (and I have a good chance I reckon, since I’m buying a box of boosters) and can’t wait to use it in a game. Does that make me a Johnny I wonder?

Anyway I’ll be tweeting during the tourney and blogging the results, so stay tuned.

In other game news I’m still hopelessly addicted to Dragon Quest IX, which is probably the best DS game ever made. I’ve been focusing again recently on killing some of these guys:

metal king

To get my character up to a ‘Sage +4’. If you have a DS, then you simply need to own this game (you know who I’m talking to don’t you?)

School has been extremely busy. Much more than ever in fact, and it rarely leaves me with time to just sit down and relax. As such I haven’t been playing many non-portable games recently but when I can, I’ve put time into Infamous on the PS3:


This is a game I’ve had my eye on for some time. It’s a sandbox game that tells the story of a man that gains super powers (related to electricity) and battles against a mysterious group that evil intent. The graphics, gameplay and story are all top-notch, and I can honestly say had I paid full price I would definitely be happy with the purchase. Given I got the game for a mere $18 in the Target budget bin means I got an absolute bargain!

It really is an excellent game, and if you have a PS3 I think you could play a lot worse.

In other news I’ve become strangely addicted to ancient issues of Dragon magazine. I’m reading them cover-to-cover regardless of the content and in the last week alone have learned some fascinating information like how to run court cases in the Top Secret game (a spy RPG that no one ever bought or played…) or what % of hits on a flumph hit the top and what % hit the bottom. Thank god for 27-year-old magazines, else I’d never know such info.

What’s a flumph you ask?

This is a flumph:


One Response to “Game Stuff”

  1. mycroft says:

    Of course no-one bought or played “Top Secret”, it never even existed 😉