It Reviews Itself


Here’s a quote from a story called Seven Stars, one of the tales including in Kim Newman’s Mysteries Of The Diogenes Club:

“We think the Nazis have the Spear Of Longinus. Combine that with the Jewel Of Seven Stars and they may trump our Ark Of The Covenant. We’d need Excalibur and The Holy Grail to beat that.”

If you’d love to live in a world where the above sentence could be fact, then this is most certainly the book for you.


On a not-entirely unrelated note: Sherlock was amazing. One portion of my brain flipped for joy at Mark Gatiss’ Mycroft Holmes, if only because I have grown to love Kim Newman’s version of the same character.

And, as a final addendum, I request that my esteemed brother take time out from packaging up my birthday gift and watch (the blu-ray version of) Sherlock ASAP. Then we can discuss whether or not the (astounding) establishing shots of London are some sort of video HDR

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