Dragon Week: Cosplay

There’s dedication and there is dedication and then there is the level of dedication suggested by some of the following adverts, from early 1980s Dragon magazines:

thur 2 thurs 111

Or, if you are inclined toward playing a warrior:

thurs 1

I particularly love how all you buy there is an instruction book. I wonder how many people actually responded to this ad and actually made armour?

For those perhaps not as devoted to role playing, they could still show off their fandom thus:

thur 1

Or via new-fangled (at the time) ‘holographic’ technology:


As with all of these entries, I leave the best for last…

Suppose you didn’t want to dress as a thief, or wizard or even warrior. Suppose you’re true calling was something else. Something like this…


Wear this life-like dragon mask to all special occasions” indeed 🙂

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