San Diego

During my stay in San Diego, this was my hotel room:


I spent a lot of time in there, working on the presentation (which went well) and the paper. The hotel itself was fancy and very, very large. Here’s a view from the 40th floor bar:


That’s looking south, into San Diego harbour. The convention center is behind the Marriot hotel. Those boats look tiny, but they are not! I doubt anyone with a little fishing boat could ever afford the marina fees there. Here’s the view on the other side:


Across the bay you can see an aircraft carrier. I forget the name, but that’s one of the current operational carriers of the US Navy. It’s stationed here in San Diego (along with 3 more I believe).

My room was on the 8th floor, looking toward the marina you can see in the above shot. Here’s a photo I took out at night:


Someone said the fireworks (which were being launched from a barge) were for Seaworld. I have my doubts though, since Seaworld is a bit to the North of here. At any rate, they were fun to watch 🙂

On one of my days there this guy came into port:


Although it serves a similar purpose it is not strictly an aircraft carrier. See the opening at the back? That’s to launch ships and amphibious vehicles. This carrier is specific to amphibious launches, and from the deck specializes in VTOL aircraft such as helicopters or harriers. The size was just incredible. Quite a spectacle to watch, and believe me the crowds had formed on the docks!


Whever I may roam, I seem to always buy an instant lottery ticket. I only won once away from home, and that was in England. And I never cashed it in! (Florence has it now… I wonder if she can cash it?)

So, this interim San Diego post (the next one will be about boats!) ends on a highnote:


Mouth-watering isn’t it? Well, it worked on me:


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