Who’s Zooming Who?

In the last year, my blog has been visited 17,448 times by 13,591 unique visitors. Each visit viewed, on average, 1.5 pages. So entries on my blog were viewed 26,356 times during the year.


Most visitors found the blog via google, and the most popular search term that led them to my blog was ’emily skins’ (which led them to this post). The second most popular term was ‘doctor who’ which (mostly) would have led them to my history of Dr Who games.

The top five most popular posts of the last year, indexed by views are:

1) Doctor Who Games (I have never played…) (4373) {Well researched and written; I’m proud of this!}

2) I’m Your Fan (3158) {A crappy post, now I look back on it}

3) Enough With The Monster Hunter Posts (933) {Someone probably linked to the tattoo}

4) MHFU Update (425) {Obviously the pretty girl cosplay…}

5) Ningen (417) {I’ll have to do more crypto posts…}

Somewhat alarmingly (since it was creative, rather than documentive), my Cthulhu beat-down was #6, and there was a massive spike around the posting of the Altamont Fair photos (which means Florence is now famous)!

The top five countries visitors came from: USA, UK, Australia, Canada and France

Aside from numerous Google referrals, I was intrigued to note that 65 visitors were referred to my blog from Wikipedia?!? Some quick detective work turned up this page.

I wonder if Google retains statistics beyond a year? And if they do, if my brother could provide them?


On to Youtube, my top three videos with views are:

1) UFO Catcher Unexpected Win (43,000+)

2) UFO Failing (25,000+)

3) Darling Harbor Dinosaur (9,000+)

These also happen to be the only ones that I can earn money on if I sign up to have ads included.

For the first video, the most popular demographic continues to be Japanese girls aged 13-17. There’s also been a spike in popularity in the last 4 days, so it must have been linked somewhere recently.

However the video of the Stinger at Altamont Fair is rocketing up the charts! 1200+ views in only a month is nothing to be sneezed at, and I don’t doubt it that rate continues it will be in the top 5 and maybe top 3 in the near future.

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