
I had grand plans for a blog entry today. I sat down about three hours ago to start and then, quite innocently I might add, checked my email!

ZOMG! Three hours later after replying to emails about grades (which were distributed today), I find I am mentally exhausted and can no longer summon the stamina to type a legendary blog post.

As a result, I present a historical one instead. Please carefully inspect this polaroid:

Robert 09

Can you guess (in comments) what is significant about this shot?

4 Responses to “Derailed”

  1. jf says:

    You still have that hat, right? It’s the hat that has traveled the world with you!

  2. mycroft says:

    First Eminem concert you ever attended? ;-P

  3. Robert says:

    Ding ding! Joyce wins!

    This is the first ever photo of my bucket hat. It’s been around the world many times now (Japan x 4, Hawaii, England, Australia x 5) and I still wear it with pride.

    Look how shiny and new it is in that photo!

  4. Robert says:

    As an aside, AW wins as well, since his comment made me chuckle 🙂