Glenrock Lagoon

Yesterday, Sue and I did the Glenrock Lagoon bushwalk. This is a 2 km stroll down through a heavily wooded valley alongside a creek that eventually becomes a lagoon and connects to the ocean at Dudley Beach.

At the top end (near the carpark), the walk is level and shaded and easy and looks like this:



Wonderful! Imagine the sounds of bellbirds and whipbirds as you walk these paths.Soon enough you encounter the creek, which is now not exactly rushing with water:


And then about a third of the way down to the beach there is a waterfall as the creek flows over a rocky edge:


Somewhere shortly after this point we met a shy friend:


He was pretty big. We tried to sneak up to get a better look, but some joggers ran past and scared him away 🙂

A lookout is at the halfway point, showing how beautiful the valley is and how much farther one must continue walking to reach the lagoon outlet:


The white buildings on the right side in this photo belong to a permanent scout camp. The walk alongside the lagoon goes along the left side in the above photo. There was some sort of meeting going on at the camp, and music was loudly blaring as we walked down toward the beach. Here’s what it looks like down there:



To get back the walk must be repeated in reverse. This meant the casual downhill stride switched to a taxing uphill battle. Sue took the camera for the return trip, and took many lovely shots of the expatriot looking tired 🙂



Here’s me at the top of that waterfall, shot from a distant lookout:


From my vantage point I could look down the impressive drop onto a large flat rock on which several water dragons were basking. They ranged in size from about 15 to 60 cm, and ran and skittered nervously when they heard me yelling at Sue. Since she had the camera, I was unable to take photographs.

After Glenrock we were knackered, and a quick lunch of kebabs led to a bit of this:


And even this:



At this point, the technorati amongst you will be saying “What what what??!?!?”

The answer is simple: today I borrowed Bernard’s fully waterproof camera, and all of the photos in this entry were taken with it. They look good, don’t they?

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