Children Of The Atom

Several months back I resumed my WoW account to play through the content added with the Cataclysm expansion. At the time, I once again assumed the mantle of guild-leader of the legendary guild Atomic!

All was well, but something seemed… lacking.

That was remedied a little over a month ago when the lost member of Atomic once again joined our ranks:


I refer of course to the Champion Of The Frozen Wastes himself – Fyrenze the Druid!

Yes, I had finally managed to convince SFL to return to the game after a 2+ year absence of her own (insert evil laughter here). And when the day dawned on Fyrenze’s return, then Momo and him went berserk!


Quests and dungeons and even raids fell like skittles, and Fyrenze beggared belief in his/her ability to defy the gods of probability and win epic phatty lootz with supernatural rapidity, all the time hardly ever standing still (as these pictures illustrate).  Soon the humble lvl 80 bear was a lvl 85 monster, bedecked in the most wicked of gear. It took less time that anyone would imagine, and it was fun 🙂

Around this time the dark horse of the guild, the Worgen mage Zornwrinkle (aka JBF in real life), also reached lvl 85. Our humble guild then combined powers – albeit briefly – for a few dungeon hacks:


SFL then turned her attention to the legendary Undying archer Fyrenza! Again level’s fell in short order, and with near alchemic cunning, the immortal slayer of Kel’thuzad himself stood alongside Momo and Fyrenze at level 85. Celebrations included sitting on camels in front of a pyramid.


But then…

But then Momo and Fyrenze/Fyrenza had a pause.

“Have we”, they simultaneously asked, “beaten this game?”

“Should we”, they simultaneously suggested, “suspend again until Pandaria?”

And the decision was “yes”. Accounts were logged on to, subscriptions were cancelled. And once again, we were both free of the tyrannical addiction of WoW. It felt great. We had beaten the game – killed Deathwing himself! – and would once again rest until our powers were needed again. SFL’s account ran out last Saturday; mine will run out at the end of next week.

I begun the ‘process’ of getting ready for suspension. Sell items that will not retain their value, finish off a quest here and there, say goodbye to Azeroth once again. I had mostly done this… stopped playing and moved on to other things…


(to be continued…)

2 Responses to “Children Of The Atom”

  1. Florence says:

    Does it start with a ‘D’ and end with an ‘ee’?

  2. Robert says:

    Nearly… it starts with ‘S’ and ends with an ‘a’…

    …and it’s short 🙂