Go West

Tomorrow, I’m going on vacation!

My trip is two fold, and will start with several days in…


Albuquerque, New Mexico, where my friend SFL now lives. She has promised me I will see such things as road runners,  gila monsters, nuclear test sites and possibly even crashed alien spacecraft! My mind is abuzz with excitement 🙂

The second half of my trip will take place in…

san jose

San Jose, California, well known as the ostrich farm capital of the USA. My brother and his wife live there, and they are no doubt as eager as I am to visit the fields of struthio camelus.

A couple of years ago, a person who I won’t name but who gave birth to me was overheard (by me) describing me thusly: “A little of him goes a long way!” She was of course referring to my boundless energy and occasionally – shall we say – ‘enthusiastic’ personality. I have recharged my batteries resting this past week, and can only hope that SFL and BS are prepared for my company 🙂

I’ll blogging the trip in detail, so stay tuned.

One Response to “Go West”

  1. mycroft says:

    It’s all that soda you drink, mate!

    While in the ABQ, make sure you and SFL do the hill run:


    It’s only 7000ft above sea level 🙂