Happy Birthday Dad!


My dad was born in 1935. That was so long ago that no one can remember it. Luckily we have a giant repository of all the information everyone has forgotten, so I took a drive down the information superhighway and discovered this list of other notable events from 1935:

– Helicopters, fluorescent lightbulbs, parking meters, paperback books and radar were all invented
– Amelia Earhart made her solo flight across the pacific
– Persia was renamed Iran (and yet I still have students referring to themselves as ‘Persian’)
– Canned beer first went on sale (in the US)
Monopoly was released
– Julie Andrews, Woody Allen, Elvis Presley and the Dalai Llama were born
– (Perhaps most notably, considering the topic of this post) The Luftwaffe was created and German began rearmament after WWI 😉

OMG, a good year! I wonder how old dad was before he saw his first parking meter?

Happy 78th Birthday Dad!

One Response to “Happy Birthday Dad!”

  1. alma says:

    I cannot recall my first parking meter. I suppose I witnessed them in Cologne first when I was in my early twenties, studying hard to be a teacher.