Happy Birthday Jim!

Just like last year, there are two birthdays in a row!

Jim 01

KLS’s dad, James B F, was born a long, long time ago. In 1945 to be accurate. This makes him the wizened old age of 68!

As with 1935, a year we learned about yesterday, no-one actually remembers what happened way back in 1945 (aside from Jim being born, of course), so I had to turn to the interwebs for some insight:

– Microwave ovens and computers were invented
Animal Farm was published
– A plane (accidentally) crashes into the Empire State Building
– Rod Stewart, Bette Midler and Henry Winkler were born
– Petrol was $0.15 a gallon in the US
– (And the one that we actually never forget) Oppenheimer invents the atomic bomb, which was then used twice to end WW2 and kill approximately 200,000 civilians…

…wow, bit of a downer year wasn’t it??!

Oh well, that was forever ago. Let bygones be bygones and celebrate today Jim!

Happy Birthday Jim 🙂

One Response to “Happy Birthday Jim!”

  1. jf says:

    Great photo! He looks like Robin Williams.