Twenty Things We Saw At The Fair

It was time once again to visit the annual Altamont fair! It doesn’t change much from year to year, but I can’t resist the lure of the rides! Here’s twenty things we saw today:


1) A new ride, called ‘Pharoah’s Fury’. Basically a version of the Pirate Ship, this was notable for the 90 degree maximum incline that created sustained zero-g. KLS was screaming almost non-stop. A very fun ride πŸ™‚


2) Another new ride, called ‘Vertigo’. I was impressed with how high it was! Unfortunately, since it’s a rotator, I didn’t ride it due to motion sickness.

3) All the old favourite rides returned, staffed by the usual gang of creepy murderous ex-felons carnies. We saw a guy ‘fixing’ The Zipper using a piece of string (not a joke!)


4) I saw KLS eat delicious fries with me, shortly after I had eaten a hamburger myself.

5) We saw this device, but for the life of us couldn’t work out what it was called or what it was supposed to do:


6) We saw a tiny, tiny goat:


7) And a kangaroo with a joey in it’s pouch. She bent down to eat some grass and the joey ate as well!


8) We saw a very special duck…


9) And an evil looking chicken…


10) And a happy sheep… in a barn full of happy sheep πŸ™‚

11) Over in the art contest displays, we even saw Doctor Who!


12) Nearby, the first prize winning scarecrow wasn’t perhaps as scary as you’d imagine:


13) Here is a princess being defended by a dragon:


14) Heading back to the midway, past the vendors selling spa’s, blenders and insurance, I found an unusual sight!


15) We didn’t go on that many rides, mostly because they almost all go in circles. The Ferris Wheel is always fun though. Right next to it this year was a ‘cryptozoology museum’ with some extraordinary art hanging out the front:



16) Oh, I almost forgot! The giraffe was back:


17) As was the circus we saw last year. We didn’t go since we were a bit tired and it was very, very hot.


18) The games on the midway are as dubious as ever. Surprising prizes this time around included live goldfish and knives!

19) The animals are fun, but for me the fair is always about the garbage food…


20) And the big, noisy, scary and quite possibly life-threateningly dangerous rides:


I just wish I was 12 again, so I could ride them all without getting sick πŸ™‚

One Response to “Twenty Things We Saw At The Fair”

  1. jf says:

    I love the tiny goat!