Oops, We Did It Again Again!

B and I had postcard contests before (read about them here and here) and – after a long hiatus – it was time once again!

There were no set rules, just the usual who could produce the most impressive result. They were both mailed simultaneously to promote independence, and today they arrived.

Once again Bernard defied expectation and submitted not one but three cards. I found these in the mailbox today:

His card selection is clearly fantastic and has an animal theme; one lenticular, one artistic and one incredibly awesome! But the card itself is only half the entry… and here’s the backs:

An explosion of stickers! But what’s the theme? I’ve searched but came up empty. I like the clever reuse of the antique dog/koala card (note the writing under the stickers) and Pac-Man is always appropriate in any situation but I would have liked to see more of a purpose behind the use of these three cards. Plus – let’s be honest here – those printed stamps are worth nothing!

Had I used these particular cards, I may have themed the backs from the front, and decorated them with frog, dog/koala and dingo stickers (and stamps!) exclusively. Possibly I’d have watercoloured the animals and added a few lines of iambic pentameter as well. All good ideas for next years contest…

Which brings me to my entry:

The card itself – showing The 8th Doctor Who – comes from a postcard book AW gave me oodles ago that never fails to deliver just the right card for any occasion! I knew Bernard would treasure it, so I worked hard on the reverse:

It’s tempting to only direct your eye to the lenticular T-Rex stamp and gudetama caviar-sticker embellishments and ignore the 59 Vocaloid stickers I carefully attached with tweezers. But if I did you’d endlessly demand an explanation for that ‘hidden’ message: Hell Of Apes

All I’ll say for now is it was a working title for an Atari 2600 game I’m designing and B is planning on programming. If it ever gets made you can read about it here!

Bernard described my card as “a disturbing lattice of cartoon girls flanked by gibbering egg yolks”, which I think is fancy talk for…

I won 🙂

(Oh, and I wonder if he found the UV ink message I wrote on my card?)

2 Responses to “Oops, We Did It Again Again!”

  1. Bernard says:

    I admit that the theme of my cards was subtle: The Gudetama Constant.

    Much like the speed of light, the gravitational constant, elementary charge etc, the Gudetama Constant sometimes referred to as the Gudetama Monotonous or Gude Invariable is a fundamental physical property in the universe the defines the likelihood of Gudetama appearing on any particular postcard.

    I won’t bore you with the mathematics, the presence of Gudetama on all four postcards above is adequate evidence of the Gude Nonstop phenomena.

  2. Bernard says:

    Also I did find the UV ink message, nothing enters my house without a pass under the UV torch!

    Did you find my UV ink messages? 🙂