Better Days

About six weeks ago I booked flights to Australia. At last the borders had opened, and I could once again go and see my mum and friends. The weeks after booking I became increasingly excited, and spent a lot of time preparing and planning. I also bought lots of things to bring with me, and my suitcases were stuffed like on no previous trip. I had little-to-no concern about covid, since Australia’s numbers were very low and I was triple vaccinated. It would be a happy trip in the sun.

Then… omicron.

Last night, less than 24 hours before my flight, I canceled. Ultimately it was more a ‘death of 1000 cuts’ rather than any single event that persuaded me, although a very real expectation that lockdowns are in the future probably weighed heaviest on my mind.

My hometown is thick with covid now, with cases rising alarmingly. Many other cities are in the same situation and I daresay everywhere else is short behind. Now is not the time to travel. Based on what I’ve read so far I expect omicron to flare briefly but very brightly, and I can only hope we all emerge stronger for it.

I couldn’t get a refund on the exorbitant price of my ticket, and instead have credit good for a year. I will use that to visit Australia as soon as possible. Let’s hope it’s not another year from now.

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