It’s been a while since I shared a recipe, and the pandemic has taught us all that tacos are easy and delicious. So here’s my preferred method of preparation!
Toss about 90 grams of 93% or higher reduced fat mince into a pan on medium to high heat. Cool until there’s no red.
Add water and taco seasoning. The exact quantity of each doesn’t matter; you want it looking like the above. Turn the heat to maximum.
The water will evaporate off leaving just delicious meat. If it looks like the above, you’re golden!
Heat up the shells in your air fryer. Ideally you’ll use stand-and-stuff types, but we were duped by fancy packaging into buying the above which don’t even stand up! The one at the front is slightly smaller as well, although once again the packaging lied and suggested they were even smaller still! Toss a little bit of shredded pizza cheese into the shells: as for how much, remember the mantra ‘less is best‘!
Add the meat, the heat from which should melt the cheese. Finesse is immaterial here; just stuff it in.
Add the pineapple. This is perhaps the most critical step, since tacos are nothing without pineapple. I used the fancy Dole stuff in the black-and-gold cans, but as you know any pineapple is better than no pineapple!
Add the shredded lettuce and you’re finished. All that’s left is the best step: eating!
Why not make these and let me know what you think?