Let’s Make A Rubber Stamp!

I bought this in Australia:

I thought it was a rubber stamp making ‘kit’, but it’s actually just a piece of soft rubber (an ‘eraser’ perhaps, from the label) that can be used to cut a rubber stamp. Since it came with nothing else and since I lacked most of the required supplies (tracing paper, chisels) I would have to wing it.

I started small, by drawing my design right onto the surface. I planned on removing the excess rubber using just an exacto knife.

This proved to be much easier than I expected since the rubber is so soft. Soft enough it can be easily torn! I had to be careful lest the blade cut somewhere I didn’t want it to.

I was fairly happy with it by this point, but removing the eyes was going to be a challenge. I did my best:

I cleaned it up, and gave it a try:

And it worked! I’m fairly impressed given it was my first attempt, and I expect I’ll make a few more 🙂

What’s that you say? You request an impression of your own? Don’t worry, you’ll get one…

One Response to “Let’s Make A Rubber Stamp!”

  1. mycroft says:

    Oh, now I see what you were talking about!