Lunatics Only: ‘Ita’ Bags

Look at this women waiting to cross the street:

Her bag displays 24 identical badges of an anime character (who I can’t identify). Furthermore each badge is encased in a protective acrylic case which themselves have been decorated with pearls and a little heart. The woman is probably my age.

The above may seem unusual, but it’s an increasingly common sight in heavily otaku parts of Tokyo like Akihabara (where I took the photo). For example every day I’ve been out since I returned to Tokyo I’ve seen several people with such displays on their bag. Here’s another for instance:

Excuse the blurriness: it was a stealth photo taken of a guy (yes a man) on an adjacent escalator. He had eighty badges of all the five characters in Quintessential Quintuplets; sixteen badges for each girl. His bag was massive!

This phenomenon has its own tools, chief amongst them being the bags themselves. These are called ‘ita’ bags, which is a contraction of itasha which means ‘painful car’ and derived from the practice of covering a car with pictures of anime characters. I’ve seen a few shops selling these bags such as this one:

This company (website here) makes many different types of bags in various sizes and styles. All of them have the essential plastic side for display of badges, and many of them also have a slide-in or reversible piece to make the bags ‘work safe’!

They’re not cheap shopping bags! Even the smaller ones cost $50+, so these are quality bags in addition to enabling the display of badges. At their shop was a sign that suggested they also have bags that allow the display of trading cards, but there weren’t any on display. It’s also worth mentioning that the badges cost as well: maybe $5-10 each, so large displays of identical badges are a sizeable investment!

This is an entirely different level of fandom. It’s normal to have favourite characters, but to almost literally wear them on your sleeve in public to this extent is classic otaku behavior and – in my opinion – is admirable. Fundamentally this is only a few steps beyond wearing a branded t-shirt, which is behavior no one would blink at.

So when I saw the above girl with her eighty identical badges of the same character all lovingly placed so they’re all at the same orientation and offset I of course chuckled (as I reached for my camera) but at the same time I saluted her for her spirit 🙂

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