The gacha machines are still everywhere, and the variety continues to astound. Here’s a random collection of examples I took photos of.
An LCD game, tiny models of tissue and toilet paper, and mushroom accessories for your ear. We saw a girl feeding money into the middle machine to get 3 or 4 capsules. I wonder what she was after?
The cigarette one is a mystery; why would you want a mini cigarette model? For that matter why would you want cats modeled as shoes or tiny plastic pipes? There’s many machines containing unusual items like these.
Figurines of MEGAN (from the film), tiny model routers and very unusual large-headed… fruit zombies?
Game and anime based machines are of course very popular, like this Fire Emblem one. Machines based on western properties are rarer, but you occasionally see Star Wars or Marvel examples. We only saw the R2 one once (in Nagoya) so I bought two capsules from it. We often don’t open the capsules until we return from the trip, to extend the surprise.
The middle one seemed to contain tiny printouts of cat photos, as if someone had just made them at home and stuck them in capsules. A mystery!
I saw the above yesterday, and it translates to ‘Pasta recipes written by cute girls. Truly handwritten!’. I’m a sucker for these super weird types of machine, and had to put ¥200 in to see what I got.
That’s what came out: a piece of paper folded up and placed in a capsule. I opened it and translated it and here it is:
It seems ‘Honoka’ wrote this tuna and corn pasta recipe herself, so feel free to make it if it sounds good to you 🙂