Archive for the ‘Japan’ Category

Postcards From Japan

Sunday, February 18th, 2024

So far we have received 37 postcards from our recent Japan trip, all of which I sent myself. Here they all are:

The panda one was purchased at Ueno zoo the day we went and saw the pandas. The Godzilla one is metallic and plastic. I have a few more like this waiting to be sent one day 🙂

The top right one is a lenticular postcard of an underwater scene. It’s the only lenticular we’ve received so far, and arrived about 6 weeks after it was sent. There’s at least one other lenticular card I sent us that hasn’t yet arrived, but it’s been about two months now and I’ve somewhat given up hope.

The left one was purchased in the gift shop of Hiroshima castle (which it depicts). The horse one was purchased less than two hours after we had arrived in Japan, and may be my favourite card of the trip (even though it has nothing to do with Japan). It effectively shows how I usually feel at the end of every day on a vacation!

The postcard showing ‘Alice’ is a mystery: I found it amongst some unsent postcards a few months ago and had no recollection or ever buying (or even seeing) it before. Naturally I took it with me so it could fulfill its destiny to be mailed! The Diavolo postcard depicts an Ultraman villian, and is an impressively metallic and textured card.

The cat one was mailed on Christmas Day!

The card at left was found amongst some old items when I was doing some spring cleaning a year or so ago. It’s about 30 years old and (I think) came in a magazine. I wonder if any Japanese postal employees looked and it and wondered where it came from?

The Buddha card was purchased in Kamakura in 2013 (when we visited with Bernard), and had been ‘gathering power’ – unsent – in my collection for over a decade. Now that power has been released into the world!

The Hermione (from Harry Potter) card is a beautiful high-quality all-plastic postcard and I doubted it would actually arrive. I may have purchased a few others at the same time…

I sent 12 New Years cards in different designs. Did you get the same one I sent myself? The Rilakkuma card was purchased at the Miyajima Island Rilakkuma shop which was insanely well-stocked considering how remotely it was located. I bought two in this series and sent the other to someone I knew would appreciate it 🙂

Nothing says Japan like a photo of a quokka! I bought three copies of that cute card but forget who I sent the others to. The card in top left was part of a set purchased at the cinema when we saw the Kamen Rider film, but the set was for another movie (that we didn’t see).

Four of the cards show here – including the middle one above – I had made myself and taken with me ‘just in case’. I do this every trip, but I’m a fool for every supposing I wouldn’t be swimming with options when it came to buying cards in Japan!

And lastly this gotochi (shaped) card of a Buddha. It’s fairly large, and Japan Post is emphatic that these cannot be sent through the mail internationally. And yet I put a stamp on it and tossed it in the postbox with a wish… and it arrived safe and sound. I also bought an oyster gotochi (in Hiroshima, which is famous for oyster), and sent it to AW’s sister who lives in Japan.

What do you write on all these cards?” is a question I’ve been asked more than once. As an example, here’s one I wrote the evening of the Earthquake (we were in Osaka):

Most of the cards have silly anecdotes or in-jokes on them that we have invariably forgotten about by the time we receive and read them. They’re mini-diaries, and I’ve got decades worth of them now. They’re my most prized possessions!

In case you were interested, here’s (most of) the different stamps on the above cards:

I’ve become an expert at buying stamps in Japan, and always do my best to make sure I get a good variety for the cards. Take another look at the stamps on your cards!

37 (or more?) postcards in 16 days is a lot, but I never plan on sending myself so many. Truth is I always buy too many stamps, and then end up sending a lot of ‘extra’ cards in the last few days. Of course this post is just the ones I sent myself, and dozens more were sent to other people. I hope you enjoyed the ones you received 🙂

Last Day

Sunday, June 18th, 2023

Yesterday was my last full day in Japan. I didn’t do anything particular special; just went on a last minute shopping bender so I wouldn’t have any regrets!

It was extremely hot and humid – pushing 100F at midday – so I did my best to stay in air conditioning. The streets of Ikebukuro and Akihabara were loaded with people, and it was fun to be a part of it.

The evening was spent packing. I pride myself on my ability to efficiently fill suitcases beyond capacity but last night I had a real challenge and it took me about five hours to get everything packed and the suitcases (just!) under the weight limit. It’s going to be enormously entertaining to unpack them and start opening stuff when I get home 🙂

My flight isn’t until this evening and I’ve got late checkout, so I still have a few hours free today. I’ll be spending them mostly in the air conditioned comfort of the arcade and game centers. As much as I enjoy shopping I think my heart is – and always has been – in the arcades 🙂

I’ve had a absolutely wonderful time and checked many things off my ‘Always wanted to do in Japan’ list. I already look forward to the next visit which I know will inevitably happen. Once I get over the jet lag I’ll blog some of the items I managed to find this trip, and in the meantime you should watch your mailbox for a postcard or two.

Hirose Entertainment Yard

Saturday, June 17th, 2023

There’s an arcade in Akiba called ‘HEY’, or Hirose Entertainment Yard. This place focuses on older games, and is known for having a floor mostly dedicated to shoot-em-ups from yesteryear. Over the many days of this trip, I made it my mission to play every shooter unfamiliar to me.

The games are all lined up as you can see above, in about five rows. There’s dozens and dozens of them, but I didn’t play any games I’m familiar with (more on this below). This post therefore features a lot of games you’ve probably never played or even heard of before, most likely because they never left Japan (and I speculate perhaps never even left Tokyo)! I’ll rate each game out of 10, which will be an indication of how much I wanted to play it again after a single try (a 5 would be a 50% chance).

Each game incidentally costs ¥100 per play, and (I assume) is set to a high difficulty level. The cabinets are kept in meticulous condition, and the joysticks and buttons all work, and many games also have added dedicated autofire buttons.

Ultra X Weapons (1995): A fantastic Ultraman themed game in which you control one of six Ultras and face off against enemies from the various shows. Great controls and music, an autobomb, but a very steep difficulty rise a few levels in. Obviously of particular interest to me, this one may be a little mundane for non-Ultra fans. (9)

Rapid Hero (1994): Very fast gameplay with good power ups but somewhat bland graphics and simplistic bosses. Seems simplistic for a mid 1990s release. Only average. (5)

GunNail (1992): Very reminiscent of Truxton, which is a good thing. It had bonkers weapons, waves of enemies to use them on and some sort of score combo system. This was a wild ride and I’ll play it again before I leave! (8)

Thunder Dragon (1991): A helicopter shooter reminiscent of Flying Tiger that shows its age with stingy power ups and graphics that seem dated for 1991. Recovery after death is Gradius-level challenging. (5)

Thunder Dragon 2 (1993): An upgrade from the predecessor with smoother play, more bombastic weapons and slightly less difficulty. I like how the player speaks when he kills enemies (“Get out of my sight”), but it’s still an unremarkable game. (6)

Super Spacefortress Macross (1992): The graphics are great, and the bosses fun to fight. I like the novel power up system, but it was unfun sometimes being forced to change your ship when I didn’t want to. A solid early 90s shooter, possibly playing it a bit safe due to the license. (7)

X-Multiply (1989): Irem ripped off their own smash hit R-Type with this one. Everything from the graphics to level design to the controls and even music is derivative and is a veneer to try and hide the fact that the gameplay is just boring. Skip this one. (4)

Salamander 2 (1996): I was happy to play this since I’d never had the chance, but despite detailed graphics the game suffers from extreme difficulty and overall boring level design. If you’re going to make a sequel to a beloved game, it has to at least bring something new! (5)

Batsugan (1993): An influential and now-legendary game that incorporates intense shooting with an RPG-lite XP system. It’s got great power levels, clever bosses, beautiful graphic effects and pigs! Batsugan also dances on the edge of bullet-hell territory, and was the last game released by the wizards at Toaplan before they went under. I loved it so much I immediately went to a nearby store and bought the just-released Switch port. (9)

Battle Garegga (1996): Another famous game, featuring beautiful graphics, great power ups and intense action. The version in HEY seems to be the initial release where the enemy shots are incredibly difficult to see so the difficulty is insane, but it’s enormously fun to play regardless. A deserved classic! (8)

Battle Bakraid (1999): A sort of followup to Garegga, this features similar design and gameplay, with even more insane power levels (half a dozen options can surround the ship), a combo system and an absolute avalanche of pickups. It’s also bullet-helly, which isn’t surprising since the designer went to Cave after making this game. A first class shooter. (9)

Armored Police Batrider (1998): Another ‘Garegga-like’ from the same developer (Raizing), with insane weapons, an xp system, perfect controls, great scaling graphics and an unusual team system where each of your three lives is a different ship. Hectic and great fun. (8)

Kingdom Grand Prix (1994): A fantasy-based game which seems to merge racing and shooter elements. A bit befuddling, but the graphics and astonishing, I loved the fantasy elements, and the shooting is solid. (7)

Dimahoo (2000): A late sequel to the above, this sheds the racing part for a full-on fantasy based shooter. This game is amazing – one of the best I played at HEY. The pixel-art graphics are extraordinarily detailed, featuring things like giant turtles with castles on their backs, flying demons and fairies holding spellbooks. The power-up/xp system is rewarding and the bosses are fantastic. As a late-era shooter, it’s bullet-hellish as well. A work of art. (9)

Andro Dunas (1992): Reminiscent of Section Z or even Scramble, this simplistic game feels like an early concept that needed a few more months in the oven. While the graphics and level designs are forgettable, I liked the power up system where four different weapons gain levels with pickups and only decrease by one level upon death. (5)

Operation Ragnarok (1994): Cross P-47 with Salamander and you’ll get this. Overly large sprites and weird morph animations result in a muddy look that doesn’t work. The gameplay is generic and suffers from slowdown (this is a Neo-Geo arcade game), and while I give it points for attempted spectacle it ultimately fails. (5)

Pulstar (1995): This is a famous Neo-Geo shooter since it was a late release and uses pre-rendered visuals, mostly successfully. However the game is a blatant R-Type ripoff with, for me, the same weaknesses. This means for all the flashy visuals the game is too slow and memory based, and had a lot of cheap deaths. Pretty but boring. (6)

Blazing Star (1998): This is a sequel to Pulstar but for me seemed a downgrade. Too much slowdown, weird power up/scoring systems and muddy graphics made the game a bit of a slog to play. Half-baked. (5)

Dangun Feveron (1998): Crazy disco (yes, disco) based game where you annihilate massive waves of fodder enemies and collect little guys trapped in (disco?) balls for points. It’s absolutely a shooter with crazy weaponry, a hell of bullets to avoid, and a complex scoring system based on pickups and enemies killed, but all of this, at least for my one attempt, faded into the background due to the disco presentation. Mostly I think it works, and the fact it’s a Cave game is probably a big part of that! (7)

FixEight (1992): A graphically ugly Commando-esque game where you manually scroll the screen and can only fire in three directions. Dated even when it was released. (3)

Varia Metal (1995): An unambiguous game that feels more like an Amiga shooter than something for the arcade. The graphics and sound are extremely dull. While it is novel you can morph your ship, there’s hardly any fun here. (2)

Master of Weapon (1989): A Xevious clone released years later and not a patch on its inspiration. The enemies and powerups are boring and the graphics are terrible so you just don’t care what comes next. It’s also punishingly difficult. (3)

Gridseeker (1992): This was the most difficult game I played: even the ‘popcorn’ (ie. one-shot fodder) enemies require multiple shots! The ship has a massive weapon in front of it (like the R-Type force) which blocks some but not all enemy shots and leads to hit box confusion. It’s too early for bullet hell, but the enemy bullets move at light speed. Strictly a ‘one go’ title! (2)

Gun Frontier (1990): An unusual game in which your and the enemy ships resemble flying revolvers (from the Wild West era). You collect bullets and coins to power up, and deaths are merciful. Overall it’s interesting due to the visual style and was fun to play, despite being a bit simple. Worth a closer look. (7)

Terra Diver (1996): A vertical shooter that uses a horizontal display is bold idea from the start (and possibly chosen to make it easily portable to home consoles) and while it has worked with other games I don’t feel it does here since the ship moves slow enough it’s frustrating moving across the wide screen. The poor graphics and weird weapons systems compound the problems I had with the game. It didn’t grab me at all. (3)

Final Star Force (1992): This is nothing like Star Force so I suppose the choice of name was marketing. The primary takeaway was the absolutely game-killing slowdown (affects you and enemies differently) and the fact it’s relentlessly difficult and almost impossible to recover from after your first death. I somewhat liked the graphics, although the colour cycling is repulsive. Overall poor. (5)

Zaviga (1984): Imagine a cross between Xevious and Zaxxon with horrible graphics, random terrain and sprites and insanely slow ship control. This was the oldest and worst shooter in HEY; and it almost felt unfinished! (1)

Varth (1992): Fantastically stylish pixel graphics where the enemies and backgrounds match perfectly. Great control and weapon options, and fun bosses. No particular outstanding feature but everything just works very well. A fantastically fun game. (9)

NebulasRay (1994): This game has a horrible screen ‘rolling’ effect (as if the playfield is mapped onto half a cylinder) that almost gave me motion sickness every time I moved the ship! The dull colorless graphics don’t help, and it’s also extremely fast and difficult. A relic of its time that hasn’t aged well at all. (1)

And there you have it. Playing these games took many hours, and I’ve been to HEY every day this trip (usually in the evenings). Amazingly the selection of games changed once or twice, and some of the games listed above are now replaced with different ones (Rapid Hero became Gun Frontier for example). I assume HEY rotates their arcade boards frequently, which makes the place even more important as a venue to keep these old arcade games alive.

While I’ve reviewed a lengthy list of games here, HEY actually has many more shooters available. The games I didn’t play for this post (because I’m familiar with them already) included most of the Gradius series, the 194X series, the Raiden series, the Raystorm series and the dozen or so Cave games.

There’s also two more floors of retro arcade bames! The floor above the shooters contains dozens of retro beat-em-ups and fighting games, as well as loads of retro games from other genres as well. On the bottom floor next to the newest Densha de Go cabinet they have two older ones as well. It really is an arcade game utopia.

Being able to do this was one of the goals of this trip, and another reason why I deliberately stayed in Akihabara. It’s been enormously entertaining (and relaxing) just burning away time happily playing old retro games in a dark arcade every evening for these last ten or so days 🙂

Lastly, the above photo shows the funniest thing I found in HEY. On the very top floor, in a ‘hidden’ corner behind some cabinets, is their only Ultraman card battle game. Guess where you’ll find me later this evening?


Saturday, June 17th, 2023

Mt Takao is about 90 minutes away from my hotel by train, and is a very popular destination for Tokyoites. Apparently it is the most climbed mountain in the world, and today (for at least the 3rd time) I climbed it. My last time doing so was over 10 years ago, and the memories have faded a bit.

Since I’m waking up knackered every day, I didn’t do the entire hike from base to top but instead took the ropeway which take you halfway up. It was a wonderfully peaceful 12-minute ride with a nice cool breeze and views – and birdsong – that were delightful. Since I got to the mountain early and since most hikers prefer the cable car I seemed to have the entire ropeway to myself! It was a wonderful experience and very uncharacteristically for me I even bought the photo they snapped as I was going up:

There are several paths to the summit and I took the most popular one. This paved route takes you through a temple complex with a wonderful variety of statuary:

Tengu are often described as ‘crow demons’ but have aspects of monkeys and humans as well. They are said to be dangerous but not hostile, and some believe they watch over those that travel across mountains.

Inari is a shinto fox deity and is said to watch over everyone, bringing us all food, shelter and prosperity. Inari is venerated all over Japan and shrines are common.

This is a jizo statue, which is symbolic of a diety that protects travelers. These little statues are common on trails, and the knitted red cape on this one was possibly put there by someone seeking protection for a loved one.

It was very hot today – over 90F – and I was sweating like a monkey long before I reached the top. The walk from the ropeway took me about an hour, and aside from the heat wasn’t particularly difficult except for the few flights of steps. On a normal day this would be no problem, but my body rebelled with every step. But I made it to the top without event, and some salty chips and a frosty beverage were very welcome!

I took a different route down the mountain, and this was unpaved and a lot more in touch with nature. Some areas were still muddy from the rain, and there were so many stairs on the route it was slightly slow going. Towards the end a surprise presented itself:

A suspension bridge! I was the only person heading down the mountain on this path (that I saw) but a few brave souls were heading up. Apparently it’s a tradition to photograph yourself on this bridge and there was a frankly absurd line backed up since everyone had to make sure the bridge was empty before the took a photo! I hope I didn’t inadvertently photobomb anyone as I strolled across 🙂

Before I left the mountain I stopped at the monkey park. My timing was lucky because it was feeding time, and most of the monkeys were crazed with excitement.

However the park was a bit depressing overall since they have loads of monkeys (over 50) but as you can see the enclosure is bereft of greenery and seems like a prison that exceeds capacity. I hope the monkeys are healthy and well taken care of, but my wish would be for them to live on the mountain itself and not in a cage.

I took the ropeway down again and it was even better than riding it up! Some of the route is very steep and the carriages have no lap bar, so there’s a thrill when you look down and contemplate how far you’d fall! I sat back, enjoyed the breeze and planned my afternoon. The round trip on the mountain had been about 2.5 hours, and stairs and exhaustion aside, it had been exactly what I needed today.

After an early dinner, I had most of the afternoon free. Of course I went back to the arcades and game centers of Akiba, which were just crammed with people. But once again, I’ll leave my purpose in Akiba for a future post. I’ve been completing a goal you see, and now I’m almost done…

Bikkuriman Star Wars

Friday, June 16th, 2023

You may have received a postcard from me in the past with a shiny square sticker on it. This is usually a Bikkuriman sticker, which is packed in with a wafer snack. On Thursday at Nakano I bought this:

It’s a sealed box of Bikkuriman Star Wars wafers! It cost me a grand total of ¥3040, or about $21. Not bad for a collectible from 7 years ago. “Seven years ago?!?” you say…

Yep, these wafers are loooooong expired. Obviously, I bought these just for the stickers. I had originally considered taking it home unopened, but I’m a bit tight for luggage space so last night I executed Operation Bikkuri and opened it in my hotel room!

Isn’t it lovely how it’s been packed? I found it interesting the pack colours align and are not equal. Here’s the two wrapper designs:

I was a bit cautious opening the first one. Things have changed now and the stickers are sealed inside little plastic bags but back in 2016 they were just loose so I feared the wafer may have rotted/melted and ruined the sticker. Happily my fears were unfounded:

Since I had done no research, I was not prepared for the stickers to be holographic! This was a most pleasant surprise. I didn’t try the wafer: I don’t really enjoy them even when fresh and I didn’t want to risk food poisoning 🙂

My next surprise was that amongst the 30 packs I obtained a full set of all 24 stickers. And don’t they all look fantastic? Which is your favourite?

Bikkuriman stickers have been around for decades now and are known for their particular style. When they do collaborations the same style is used and I think it matches Star Wars well. I’m astonished I didn’t know about this product before seeing it in a case in Nakano!

I love these stickers! This is the quintessential example of why otaku shopping here in Japan can be so much fun: finding a treasure you didn’t even know existed, and for cheap as well. A quick look online shows me there were followup series for later films. Maybe one day I’ll find some of them?

Oh, and yes I got 30 stickers where the set is only 24, which means I got 6 extras. If you want one, please leave a comment on this post (or text me) within the next day. First come, first served!