The Stamp Collector (Part Four)

It’s somewhat unsatisfying that my blog in recent months has become a “look at this thing I own” catalogue, but this has been one of the busiest semesters in recent memory and I seem to always lack the time I wish I had to spend on other diversions. Given I started this series (and enjoy it!) I’d like to finish it before Christmas.

Therefore, another installment of my stamp collection, this time ‘miscellaneous’. Here are the bits and pieces (including loose stamps) that didn’t fit easily into the other posts, including those yet to be made…

Another item I no doubt picked up on one of my annual trips to the south. Once again we see Christmas Island, and an animal. It’s exotic isn’t it? I read recently that stamps from places like this are ‘worth’ more if actually used for postage, rather than sold as collectibles like this. Doubly so if they went through other post offices on the way and received additional cancellations, as was once done.

I also read that first-day-covers are essentially worthless; a product of the 1960s/70s/80s mostly that has little interest to anyone today. This explains why I often find them for sale for a song 🙂

These were both purchased in Brighton a couple of years ago, for next to nothing, and mostly for their kitsch value. I’m sure on a postcard somewhere I have stamps of Will and Kate’s wedding, and I’ll look forward to an Ozling sending me a postcard with a ‘Wedding of Harry and Meghan’ stamp. I do like the metallic ink on the Charles & Diana envelope…

I’m not sure where these came from. I think they’re too recent to be stamps I collected myself (why doesn’t Australia put the year on stamps?!?) but I don’t know who gave them to me or when. Maybe I soaked them off letters after I got to the US? I also have this little batch:

But they were obtained as freebies at the Smithsonian. Except the bottom one of course, which was on a letter sent by Sue. It’s a lovely stamp, but the cost of international postage from Australia – it’s closer to $3 today – is notable. A significant portion of my annual ‘Australia trip budget’ is stamp costs!

This is actually how I buy most stamps when I’m in Oz. Almost every post office has a ‘stamp collecting’ section where they sell stamps packaged like the above. I suppose the sheets like this are for the collectors, but I open them and use them. In the last few years I’ve made extra effort to make sure the postcards I send have different (and attractive) stamps on them – I wonder do you even look at the stamps?

More random Australian stamps in my collection, this time packaged carefully in a little display folder. These are particularly pretty. I should have put them on cards!

Australian/Korean stamps issued simultaneously in each country and sold together as a set. I think I bought these because I liked the Korean stamps. Note only the Korean ones show the date.

This is a collectors stamp set issued by Australia a couple of years back (this is one of two sheets). You’ll note that the Doctors themselves are not actually stamps. They are in fact stickers! They would have looked sublime on postcards I suppose, but it’s a bit of a con that Aus Post charged $12 for this set when the actual stamps (the globe showing Australia) are so generic and boring.

This is more interesting. It’s a two-sheet set of ‘Mythical Creatures’ stamps issued by Australia a few years back that was packaged with 3D glasses since one of the sets is printed in 3D. I bought this in a post office for some piddling amount, and have always wondered if the 3D versions are acceptable to be used as postage. There’s nothing about not using them on the folder, so I assume the answer is yes, but I also wonder if they’d give the computerized scanning machines a bit of trouble?

Of course the USA isn’t immune to licensed stamps, and famously many years back the above sheet was printed. I bought a bunch of these and used the hell out of them, and it is very likely you’ll have a postcard or two in your drawers sent by me featuring one of the above. The postal service went a bit crazy promoting these, and even repainted some post boxes to look like R2D2! We can only hope they do it again and I can put a Porg stamp on your next postcard…

There’s also the above, which is a massive (20 or so) stamp set commemorating the Harry Potter series. It’s pretty and very nicely presented and overall one of the better licensed stamp products I’ve seen. This was difficult to find when it came out, and I drove around to a few post offices since I wanted to buy one for Florence in time for her Birthday or Christmas or something like that. I wonder if she used the stamps or still has it?

I’m sure I have more of the above around. A few years ago I actually framed some stamps and hung them on a wall, and I know they’re up in the attic or something today. I’m sure you’ll get to see them yourself during an installment of the very overdue and long-planned ‘Stuff I found in my attic’ series coming in 201X…

One Response to “The Stamp Collector (Part Four)”

  1. Bernard says:

    Those Australian Kingfisher stamps are fantastic!

    Also, I want a Porg stamp so bad…