Tokyo Brothers

Those of you that follow me on Twitter would have seen a series of daily collages featuring the two of us in Japan. This post features those photos with description.

This was the first, taken at Adores arcade in Ikebukuro. I took the snap of Bernard first, then as we were leaving posed myself with the intention of reproducing the pose of the girl on the right, forgetting Bernard had done the same thing. When I reviewed my snaps later that night I noticed the similarity and a blog series was born!

These were taken outside Tokyo Tower. We’re both standing in front of a large poster put there undoubtedly for selfie purposes. Making these photos daily required scaling and occasionally rotation of the base images so they were best when taken from a distance.

This was taken at the very top of Skytree, which had a special Kingdom Hearts 3 exhibit. We’re both holding the keyblade in a diorama once again installed for photo purposes. I very much like the lighting on Bernard in his shot.

At Akihabara out on the street. This was a window display outside one of the first big game centers near the station. When we returned several days later these posters had been replaced!

Taken at Tokyo Disney, specifically in the Cinderella walk-through exhibit in the castle. The back of the seat has LED lights built into it that animate through a pattern, so we had to time the shots to get similar lighting. I like my pose 🙂

Taken at Nakano mall, posing at the photo-op board featuring their mascot Pipi. It was for kids and we had to contort ourselves to get low enough to put our heads through. Bypassers looked at us curiously…

Once again in Akihabara, standing before a giant poster advertising the new Hatsune Miku cosmetics line. It was very pretty art, but she’s devilishly holding a lipstick with ‘Eat Me’ written on it!

Looking through my snaps, in the 600 or so photos I kept from Japan there’s only 4 that feature the two of us. Three of them were already shown in my blog posts during the trip but I particularly like this last one of us taken on the final full day:

Japan was a nonstop and fantastic end to an overall amazing 25-day vacation. Australia and Japan in one trip?!? How am I going to ever top that??

One Response to “Tokyo Brothers”

  1. alma says:

    Lovely photos. Handsome brothers.