Autographs: Musicians

In compiling these entries, I’ve often thought about whether there are any other autographs I’d like to own. It’s an interesting question, because while I consider them novelties I have far less attachment to our autographs than many of our other possessions. Would I value another any more?

Assuming I did, my first choice would be original art, such as a signed work from Frazetta or a mangaka. Theres also certain musicians like David Bowie or Nick Cave that I wouldn’t mind owning an autograph of, especially if it was on one of my favourite records.

Todays entry showcases our autographs of goths and pop stars and ‘genderbenders’ and alternative icons: Musicians. Not one of these did we obtain ourselves, but we’re fairly sure they are all authentic, and a few have somewhat unusual provenance.

This is Dreamscapes, a multi-CD box set released by Alphaville many years ago. As you can see I have one of the earliest, autographed, versions. The signatures are of Marian Gold and Bernhard Lloyd, the two most important members of the band. Interestingly this CD set is very rare and expensive these days. I’ll never sell mine.

Many years ago, shortly after I moved to the USA, we stopped in an unremarkable record shop (remember those?) in Utica, NY and we’re astonished to find two autographed Fields Of The Nephilim albums just sitting in the racks. They weren’t expensive at all, and we snapped them up quickly. Both are promos, and are autographed by four of the five members around the time of the release of these records. Here’s a detail of Carl McCoy’s autograph:

As you can see they were done in a non-permanent marker (although it’s long since permanent) and smudged a bit. Compared to other examples from the era I’ve seen online I’m fairly sure these are authentic, but it’s a real curiosity how they ended up there and how the shop didn’t even seem to know what they had. Given FoTN is the band that caused Kristin and I to meet, this was quite a find!

Speaking of autographed records, here’s a fully autographed copy of Black Celebration by Depeche Mode. This was Kristin’s since she was a teen, and was obtained for her by a friend in England (who bought it at a record shop after the band made an appearance). The autographs on it are spectacular and a quick search online suggests this could be a fairly valuable item.

Speaking of this record, here’s a photo of the back:

Now you know where the line at the top of my blog comes from!

The above is Pete Burns autograph, again obtained for Kristin by her British friend. This one was obtained in person, and cleverly it’s on the back of a Pete Burns postcard! If you don’t know he was the lead singer of Dead or Alive, and passed away some years ago.

Lastly, here is another contender for our most famous autograph: Boy George! A big, beautiful signature worthy of the artist in his prime, this one was also obtained in person by Kristin’s friend (the mind boggles what his personal collection was like), and is on a page torn from Smash Hits magazine!

There’s also another celebrity autograph somewhere in this house, although try as I could I wasn’t able to find it. The signer in question is Green Gartside (aka Scritti Politti), and KLS obtained the autograph herself on an airplane napkin when she flew from England back to the USA 1985. She had spotted him boarding the plane, and wandered up to first class to ask for his autograph!

And thus ends this five day showcase of our autograph ‘collection’. It was a lot of fun to compile these, and we learned that we had many more autographs than we thought. But in addition to the few I mentioned this week, I still think there may be others forgotten and hidden away somewhere in this house. If I ever unearth any, you can expect an addendum followup one day 🙂

2 Responses to “Autographs: Musicians”

  1. mycroft says:

    Muso autographs, eh? None spring to mind! If I could be bothered to pull every CD out of the bookcases, I know there’d be some signed covers. That said, they’d likely be small/local acts who autographed the disc at the same time I bought it. Y’know, there may have been a tour shirt or two on which a more famous artist had scribbled their name in black texta, but which have since worn out and gone to the giant rag bag in the sky.

    Sorry for such a boring response. Here’s an anecdote… When I worked in ladz magz, one of our star models was doing a signing, and a few of us went along to lend support. A line of dudes brought issues for her to personalise. One fella, noticing she’d put her fancy pen down while chatting, picked it up and hastily walked off. It took us a few seconds to realise. The model’s boyfriend – who was rather gung-ho – ran after him and “retrieved” it. I guess the pen-pincher was after a souvenir from his #1 pinup? It was odd.

  2. Bernard says:

    Didn’t you have an autographed Mission LP?