It’s been 636 days since I last reviewed a Happy Meal here on this blog, so let’s do it again. This time, it’s this one:
It’s a Pokémon happy meal! We had to wait in the drive-through about 20 minutes for this, and when I was finally able to order they didn’t even have frozen cokes! But that’s another matter and while criminally negligent I won’t hold it against them in this review.
That was in the box: a ‘sticker activity sheet’. Given I was expecting Pokémon cards there was a moment of rage that I only got stickers, until I found this in the box:
I’ll return to the cards in a moment.
The box also contained a poster with a scene on the back on which the included stickers (which I forgot to photograph) could be stuck. I daresay this would have amused children for not much longer than it took me to immediately trash both.
The apple slices were Pokémon themed, which was cute. KLS ate them in record time so I can’t comment on their quality but I imagine they were just as acceptable as Maccas apple slices always are. Also it’s worth mentioning that unlike Australia, you must get apple slices here and can’t swap them out for extra fries!
That’s the Junior Burger Hamburger, and i know you agree it looks absolutely delectable! I devoured it like a professional:
It was… edible. I’m a bit of an expert Happy Meal eater these days – although rarely in the USA – and I have to say that was in the middle range of the below-average USA Maccas food quality. Which is to say worse than it should have been but better than it sometimes has been.
We won’t speak of the fries.
The card pack contained four cards, one shiny. I don’t know if these are random or if everyone gets the same one, and I don’t even care enough to check. One of the reasons I got this meal was because I’ve started playing the Pokémon tcg app on my phone, and after opening dozens of ‘digital packs’ I wanted to open a real one. If you want any of these cards, let me know.
I’ll end with a comment on price. This was a substandard ‘meal’ with not much food and it cost over $6 including tax. Given that in Japan the very same meal with better food and better toys costs about $2.50 I think I’m safe in saying I was fleeced.
It’ll be at least 636 more days before I consider buying another…