Doctor Who: Evacuation Earth (Review)

During my last visit to Australia, I picked up this game for the DS:


I’ve played it, and finished it, and now I’m going to review it.

First things first – this is a game for children. Any review written without this in mind should probably be ignored, because it is clear the developers had a particular target audience in mind and designed the game exclusively for them.

The game tells a story of the Doctor and Amy helping some Earth evacuees leaving our doomed planet. Along the way the Silurians Homo-Reptilicus become involved, as do some Daleks. The story isn’t particularly original, but benefits greatly from voice acting by Matt Smith and Karen Gillan. The Dalek voices are also well done, although the credit suggest they are not the work of Nick Briggs (who does all the voices on the TV show). Overall, I thought the writing was well done and the characterization of the Doctor and Amy in particular were better than I may have hoped.


The game itself is a puzzle/adventure game. You move through various locations helping people and finding objects to assist you in your quest. This is (mostly) done by solving puzzles. The game has about 10 different types of puzzle,  including ‘spot the difference’, ‘jigsaw puzzles’, logic puzzles, mazes and a few sliding puzzles (which I have and always will hate!) as well.


Unless you are a baby, the puzzles are easy. I’ll go one step further, and say you’d have to be absolutely demented to not get a few of them correct in a single second. Even the ‘hard’ ones took me maybe 10 seconds tops. Kid’s stuff, in other words. Even so they are well done and quite creative, and I imagine children will find a lot of challenge and have a lot of fun solving them.

There are a great many as well. Although many are optional, I’d estimate in the vicinity of 100 puzzles requiring a solution to beat the game.


Doesn’t sound too bad so far does it? Especially if you count yourself amongst the sizeable demographic of pre-school Doctor Who fans. But some of you may have had looked at the screens and read the descriptions and had a twinge or two while reading this review. Let me refresh your memories:


The Professor Layton series is one of the most beloved on the DS. With three games to date and many millions of copies sold, it is the worldwide  juggernaut of puzzle/adventure and one of the most successful franchises on any system these days.

Evacuation Earth is a shameless rip-off. Many aspects of the game are identical to the Layton games, and unfortunately in most cases they are not as well done. I didn’t realize this until half way through because – shockingly – I haven’t personally played the Layton games (KLS has them all). But when I started showing her DW:EE she was able to confirm how similar certain elements were.

So in short, EE is a shameless, not-as-good ripoff of a fantastic game. Furthermore it’s far too easy for adults, and therefore shouldn’t even be considered by the serious non-infantile Doctor Who fan. For me therefore, I perhaps could have spent my A$58 a bit more wisely 🙂

Final Score: “One for the collection”

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