New Old Australia Video: The Rest

Here’s the rest of the older videos I felt worth sharing. Apologies to AW for revealing his darker side to the world at large (in my defense it was the least embarassing AW video I had…).

As for my hairstyle… I have no defense 🙂

For starters, here is Dad drinking the world’s worst smelling beverage:

Jump backwards in time 8 years to see dad show off his new Gameboy. I wonder if he’s beaten that high score (5087) by now:

Here’s mum in the same year, never thinking this particular video would ever be publicly available worldwide:

We’ll call this next one the segue to the two left to come. Notice mum laughing in the background:

And then there’s this video for which I take no responsibility since it was shot by my brother:

Ok, ok I have to comment. What were we watching Adam? Was that wrestling? And were you referring to the wrestler Raven? It’s interesting how empty your shelves are…

By the way if you’re wondering about that hair, I present the official 0th worst photo of me ever taken, which was a self-portrait taken during that 2000 trip to Australia:

Self Portrait

Word’s sort of fail me now, so I shall let my 2000 self do the talking in this last video:

One Response to “New Old Australia Video: The Rest”

  1. mycroft says:

    Yeah, had to be wrestling. I heard the name Sting as well.