Doctor Florence

My great friend SFL (here’s her twitter) is defending her dissertation and earning her PhD in physics today!


I believe that true understanding of what it is like to earn a PhD is difficult without having done it yourself, so you’ll have to take my word that it is difficult, thankless, seemingly-unending, endlessly frustrating and very, very often makes a person doubt themselves. To finally finish is no small endeavour!

So congratulations Florence; you’ve done it! You’ve killed the PhD beast, earned enough experience, and now can level up to ‘Doctor’ 🙂

One Response to “Doctor Florence”

  1. Florence says:

    Thanks friend! I’ll be happy when I finish all of my revisions… still a lot of work to do there.

    although I’ll admit, I’m sheepish about being called “Doctor”. I don’t think people will believe me! ><;