Random Musings


Today is Bernards birthday, and we went to see War Horse. It’s a shmaltzy film about the brotherhood between a horse and a man. Although expertly dialed-in by Spielberg, we all found it quite enjoyable 🙂

Later on we had a lovely meal of Chinese food.


For the rest of this post, some random images collected throughout the trip so far…


That sign is for a restaurant in Sydney. Look’s a bit dodgy doesn’t it?

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Two different bread products. Note the last sentence on the rightmost one.


This is a child’s toy vehicle believe it or not! It’s about 4 foot tall in total.


The selection of fresh hound food in grocery stores is impressive. Some of it looks good enough for men.


Beautiful stencil graffiti seen in Mayfield.


I’ll keep you guessing about this last one 🙂

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