Return of ‘The Claw’

This past week, these were released:


Naturally, I got them both on release day. They are the exact same game, and the save file can even be wirelessly transferred between them. You can play online on the Wii U, or on-the-go on the 3DS.

I had completed most of my work obligations early during my break so I could devote ample time to Monster Hunter. And devote I did! Right now, 5 days later, my save file is just over 37 hours 🙂

It’s the best Monster Hunter yet made!


I’ve been hunting Wroggi’s and Lagombi’s, Rathalos and Duramboros, Volvidon and Azuros. I’ve been mining and bugging and crafting and swimming. 99% of my quests have been completed using only the hammer weapon type, but since there are 9 others its probably time to increase my repertoire.


After all this I feel like I have barely begun to scratch the surface of the game. For instance, there are over 1000 weapons in the game (and I have 5…) and much more armor. I’m only just in the middle of three difficulties, and have probably beaten 10% of the quests in the game. I’ll be playing this one for a long time!

And, as the topic suggests, ‘the claw’ has returned. Although the 3DS is easier to hold than the PSP was, I’m finding with such intense playing that the sublime and extraordinary pain that comes with holding your hand in the same pose for long periods has returned in force.

It’s as if my hands are evolving to be better suited for playing Monster Hunter.

5 Responses to “Return of ‘The Claw’”

  1. Bernard says:

    I myself know that pain you speak of, both in my hands and back. In my case it’s caused by long periods of sitting, keyboarding, mousing and camera use. It has nothing to do with evolution and everything to do with aging.

    I suggest amputation at the elbow and the installation of a prosthetic forearm with some kind of 3DS mounting bracket on the end.

  2. Robert says:

    Just want to chime in to say I added 7 more hours today, and am now up to 7* village high rank!

    The hardest beasts so far have been Baleful Gigginox and Plesioth.

    Also I haven’t updated my hammer at all since low rank. Time to farm monster parts!

  3. mycroft says:

    Second screenshot has Japanese text. What do I win?

  4. Florence says:

    Hate to break it to you but your “claw” is due to your terrible ergonomic habits! Break early and often. Save yourself potential ergo injury… (While you’re at it replace your chair in your office….. You know I’m right……!)

    Brainwashing works! #truefact

  5. Robert says:

    Do the times I run away when Plesioth is underwater or Giggi is on the ceiling count as microbreaks? 🙂