Electric Eye (aka. Wildlife Camera Once Again!)

It’s time once again for a roundup of the latest animals snaps from our wildlife camera. I left it next to our front porch for a week or so, and then on the back patio looking at the house until the SD card filled up. Of the 753 photos it snapped, about 40 had animals on them. In these highlight photos, the time will be wrong but the temperature should be correct.


It’s a bit blurry, and therefore I can’t say with absolute certainty, but I think the above is a skunk.


That’s a chipmunk! If you can’t see it, look closely just to the right of where the electrical cord reaches the ground. Chipmunks are absolute buggers to catch on this camera, since they run at the speed of light. But we believe we have a chipmunk megalopolis under our house, and it was only a matter of time before I got a shot of one. Wish it was clearer though…


Now that is a mystery. Obviously mammal, with soft cuddle fur, cute short ears and a curious demeanor? My vote is either a lion or bear cub. Sadly no other snaps of this elusive beast were to be seen, so for now I’m filing it in the ‘crypto’ category.


That’s a hare. Or maybe a jackrabbit. Or perhaps just a rabbit. Either way, it’s cute and has short ears and I’m a bit surprised it’s still up and about in the freezing nights. Rabbits are very common in our backyard, and this year we were treated to a baby that we watched grow up over a period of months. I think they have a rabbit hole under the ferns that grow at the back of our yard.


The once-elusive possum is hidden no longer! There were dozens of snaps of this guy, over a period of about two weeks (always at night). I guess he likes prowling our back patio.


No matter where or when you put the camera, there will always be more squirrel photos than of anything else! This one was my favourite, showing as it does the squirrel critiquing the angle at which I have placed the camera. Or possibly trying to establish the field of view so he could set himself up best for a shot? Look how warm and thick his fur coat looks! I love our squirrels 🙂

And then there was one other photo, showing a most unusual beast…


I wonder Emi was looking at?

One Response to “Electric Eye (aka. Wildlife Camera Once Again!)”

  1. alma says:

    These photos are great, I love the Squirrel. The fuzzy animal is a discarded soft toy from your neighbour. Are you playing a trick on us?