Pictures From Yesteryear

These past few days Bernard’s been scanning in some old photos. Here are a selection, in approximate chronological order…


Mum and Dad in 197X. I’m guessing Dad’s goal on that day was to look as much like Grinderman-era Nick Cave as he possibly good, and he succeeds well. A beautiful photo of our parents!


Taken at our home at the time, a flat in Jamieson street in Gateshead. Obviously that day our family had plans to either go for an alpine hike or spend the afternoon at a Bavarian beer festival. I appear female πŸ™‚


Part of an audition for an ad campaign for a popular brand of soda. Ultimately we were not chosen. One of the selector’s comments said “The youngest child has a suspiciously large head”.


Here we are riding a horse, with dad watching. This would have been before 1975. The horses name was ‘Horsehorse’ according to my brother, but I seem to recall calling him ‘Hecatonchires’.


Probably about 1978 or 1979. In those days school photos would also include brothers and sisters, if they went to the same school. I’ve got no jokes with regards to this shot; I actually think it’s pretty good. At that time Dad was still cutting our hair πŸ™‚


In Canberra in the late 1970s. This remains the only time my brother has ever seen snow, and was (obviously) the first and only time before I came to the USA. My shoes look gargantuan, and I’m using them to ski-without-ski’s. Even then I was an exceptional athlete.


Back in the 1980s yellow was my favourite colour. Given a choice, it was always yellow for me, including a yellow Sharp tape deck. In time this love of yellow worked it’s way into my clothes, and the above shot is perhaps the quintessential example. This was taken at my Dad’s 50th birthday in 1985, and is representative of what I chose to wear when told to ‘dress up’. Have you ever seen a yellower 13 year old?


Unquestionably the worst family photo ever taken. So bad in fact, that it is sublime in it’s beauty. There’s just so much that jumps out and punches the viewer in the face:
– My coat (which was woolen, and which I once wore to a school dance)
– My hair & glasses (I’m surprised I wasn’t instantly punched in the face every day when I got to school)
– Bernard’s tie & faux tweed coat
– Mum’s shirt & hair (she looks like the lead singer of REO Speedwagon)
– The composition (dad’s head is growing out of mine and he looks hydrocephalic)
And I could go on. This abysmal shot was taken in the late 1980s.


Taken in 1992 by KLS when she visited Australia before we were married. Bernard is holding our then-cat Momus. We look like a homeless family. Even though I was quite skinny then I look tubby, and Bernard’s hair is a sight to behold. It’s a funny shot indeed, and I have good memories from that time so I like it πŸ™‚

Do you like this post? I have other photos I may blog, including a few from my first trip back in 2000 and some of our cats back in the days I was growing up.

2 Responses to “Pictures From Yesteryear”

  1. Florence says:

    Your family is lovely… And your commentary had me laughing out loud at times. You and your brother look too adorable, and your parents’ glasses are amazing… :3

    Oh and btw, I never knew that your favorite color was, and always will be, yellow! Valuable info for the bear! XD

  2. alma says:

    We laughted so much, we cried. I had to go and get a hankie.(Mum).The commentry on the photos are hilarious. We do not remember the two of you in the snow.