Day Four

Today was the final day of the con. We had about five hours to fill before we’d have to leave for our train. So fill them we did!


That’s my usual ’empty con floor shot taken before the doors open from the VIP room’. Twenty minutes later it would be hell 🙂

So as mentioned my #1 goal today was to get an autograph from esteemed thespian Patrick Stewart, arguably best-known for his performance of Gurney Halleck in Dune. I’d made all sorts of boastful claims to a certain person that I could get his autograph for them and by Jove I was going to get it!

Then he canceled yesterday. No worries, I said, there’s always tomorrow!

And then he canceled today as well…

To paraphrase KLS: “The only possible excuse for this sleight of his fans was if the next thing I read about him was his obituary! Either way, he’s dead to me!”

I hastily put ‘Plan B’ into action, and joined the line for an autograph from John de Lancie, arguably best known for his unforgettable portrayal of ‘Fish Halman’ in Crank 2. The certain person who shall remain nameless (cough, bear, cough) had recently waxed lyrical about the sensuality of de Lancie and I knew she needed his mark 🙂

At the risk of spoiling a gift, let’s end there for now…

Oh btw here’s a stealth shot I took while waiting (seemingly forever!) in line. I got neither of these guys autographs, but almost wish I had!


That’s Riker and Data, both in civilian attire. Riker was quite a fellow!

And what of the remainder of our final day at NYCC? Well we spent much of it shopping and looking at countless booths and just enjoying the spectacle of it all. Even though we’d spent dozens of hours already, the size of the con means there’s always something new to see!

Such as more retro toys:




More cosplayers:




Nifty Star Trek jewelry (the saucer section detaches!):


A comic vendor with a sense of humour:


Some nifty figure prototypes:


And even fine art:


As with all good things though the four days of madness had to eventually end and we waved goodbye once again.

After a quick lunch in a city deli…


…we were on our train back to Albany. Which is where I am right now as I type this.

Thanks for the fun NYCC; see you in 2015!

One Response to “Day Four”

  1. Florence says:

    KLS you look too cool for school, your hair is awesome