UFO Failing

This is my most popular Youtube video:

Right now it has 15788 views, and yesterday I received an email from Youtube that the video is now eligible for advertising and payment. If I chose to create a special type of Google account, they would randomly place adverts before this particular video. Each advert viewed would earn me $$$, with the catch being they only pay out in $100 increments.

I didn’t get far enough to see exactly how much money would be earned per view, but I’m guessing it is in the tenths or even hundreds of a cent 🙂

Here’s some stats on the video itself, just because I love that Google provides them:
– 58% of viewers are female
– The two most popular demographics are 13-17 (36%) and 45-54 (23%)
– 60% of viewers find the video via Youtube’s “related videos” sidebar
– The three top countries by viewer (in order): Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore
– The three top countries by commenter (in order): USA (36%), Australia (19%), Chile (11%)
– The video spiked in popularity in January 2009, just over a year after it was added, but (inexplicably) is at its most popular right now
– The most common google search that leads to this video: “ufo catcher sydney”
– The most famous non-google referral: facebook.com (the video has been embedded in two, unknown-to-me, profiles)

I’m not signing up for Google sense, since I suspect the sun will burn out before the video receives enough views to pay out. But it’s nice to know people are watching.

It’s worth noting that the second in my ‘UFO Catcher Trilogy’ is earning views much faster than UFO Failing:

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