No 3DS For Me?


Yesterday Nintendo announced the launch date (March 27) and price (US$250) for the new 3DS handheld.

If you hadn’t heard, this is a more powerful, higher resolution handheld that allows for 3D gaming without using glasses.

Now as you all know I’m quite the early adopter, but I must admit I’m cool on this device so far for the following reasons:

1. The launch games are poor. Not one of them interest me, and without a compelling game what is the point?

2. I don’t care (much) about the 3D. Sure it would be a fun gimmick, but I see myself turning it off most of the time.

3. $250 is a lot to spend for a dedicated device. This may be a strange comment coming from someone who has played one game on his PSP for over 400 hours alone, but given 1 and 2, there is very little else about the 3DS that has me excited right now. Other features will come in time (via OS updates), but why are they not present at launch.

4. The 3DS is region locked. This is a big, big one for me. I hate it. I hate that I wouldn’t be able to buy games in Japan (or Australia) and play it on my American device. Or send games to my Dad (were he to get one) from America. Boo-hoo Nintendo :<

On the other hand – and this is unfortunately significant – the L button on my current DSi is showing signs of deterioration. If it goes I’ll need a new DS immediately. It would be sad if that ended up being the principle reason I buy a 3DS.

Show me some good games Nintendo, and ASAP, if you want me to early adopt.

One Response to “No 3DS For Me?”

  1. jf says:

    You can have my DSi.