Inktober 2019

I did ‘Inktober’ again! This is where artists – such as myself – create and share a new piece every day in October. I used the same app as last year and once again followed no theme, making each piece up as I went along. You’ve already seen one example in the previous post; here I’ll show more.

They started off rather simple. The above was inspired by a dream in which I was tending a strange plant just like the one drawn. I was still getting refamiliarizing myself with the app at this point.

That was drawn after listening to Bela Lugosi’s Dead over and over again (“The virginal brides file past his tomb…“). I wanted to superimpose a window over it with Dracula looking out but lacked the skill.

This one was inspired after watching a YouTube video about the days of airships flying over NYC. It also features silhouettes, which were a common motif this year.

One day, when I was very tired after my 11.5 hours at work, SMC sent a dazzling photo of an ocean sunset in Vanuatu. I used it as inspiration for the above. To be honest I could have put more detail in but I was simply too exhausted!

Around halfway through the month I developed a few new tricks that allowed me to squeeze a bit more detail out of what is a very limited drawing app. This simple sketch of a tower was an early example, but things progressed in time to pieces like this:

And eventually this:

The above is my favorite drawing of not just this years group, but last year as well. I feel I – finally – achieved what I wanted with the starfield and the lighting of the silhouette and enjoyed reusing the tower from earlier. I wonder who lives there?

Another Inktober is now over, and my talents will – at least for the next 11 months – remain exclusive to cards and postcards. But I’m sure I’ll be back for Inktober 2020!

2 Responses to “Inktober 2019”

  1. jf says:

    I’ve looked forward to each day of Inktober and I’m sad it’s over?

  2. alma says:

    I don’t remember last years Inktober at all but I found this one very interesting and will watch eagerly for 2020.