The Year In Postcards

I started the year in Australia, where I had all sorts of fun times. You can go back if you like and read all about it on the blog. I sent loads and loads of cards, at about US$2.50 each, and I’m sure you got some. On this trip I started drawing full-colour illustrations on the cards (mostly portraits), most of which were remarkable. I wonder who got this Stonehenge card (that I had purchased in an antique shop) and what I had written on it?

In March we went to Funspot in NH and played video games and it was great. Again, I sent postcards while I was there, but this photo was taken on the way back. I had decided to send cards from every state we passed through and I can now exclusively reveal that finding the cards in Vermont was much easier than finding a post box! I believe we eventually saw one in the carpark of a library as we were running out of state.

In May we went to RI to visit Lovecraft’s grave and I was moved enough to create this masterpiece. I hope I sent it to myself because I love it, but maybe it’s yours? If so, please treasure it…

Then came Vegas and California, and a bevy of funny and – dare I say – notable cards. I think this one (sent to KLS) sums up my feelings about Santa Barbara well. The sticker (of a band member from Slipknot) came free with a Metal Hammer magazine I had purchased just for the Baby Metal lenticular cover 🙂

And then came England, in which my postcarding reached – I think – a new peak. In particularly I am proud of the ‘postcard magic’ series that I sent Bernard. It’s a crime he hasn’t shared them on his blog yet…

In three days I’m off again, for 24 days in the sun, sea and sand. I’m filled with postcarding spirit, so watch your mailboxes keenly and look forward to the occasional masterpiece or two from distant shores!

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